Thursday, January 21, 2010

A long year...

[24th Jan 2010]
I realized yesterday that it was a year since there was the storm. To just escape out of the reality, i ran home and got in terms with things that transcended the same day, a year ago. After spending so much time in absolute disbelief and disappointment on the first day, i realized to look ahead rather than think about what had happened. Then, there was a wait. A huge wait. Maybe, one can call it a drought after a devastating storm. The month of February, the shortest in the calendar year, seemed to be really long than actually it was. Quite ironical. Many of them tried easing me out of it during the period. I spent most of my time pondering about what had gone wrong. Where did i go wrong? Did i screw up anything big time? Rescue efforts came in from all quarters. Finally, the drought ended with welcome showers. Enduring such a period toughened me mentally. Although i was never given straight answers for my questions.
A lot has changed now. I exist and the storm-causing entity is no more. Journeyed on a ship before jumping to a smaller boat, as the ship was erased from the face of the earth by those who were given the sacred powers, exactly six months after the welcome showers in the month of March. Efforts to switch to a bigger vessel aligned with my interests got dented by somebody else's mistake. Life rolls on. When there is a crest there will always be a trough. It is up to the individual to build the ark, maybe multiple ones, before it rains. Remember to build them, before it rains, before it rains.


Just Another Film Buff said...

Wonderful I say.

Anonymous said...

Aawsome posht!

Sumit Sorde said...

How long? 64 bit? :P
Awesome post :).

Sridevi said...

:) Thank God, u dint have to write, why does it always rain on me again and agian!!!

Unknown said...

Yep buddy, time rolls on :).
Nice post!!

Tip: try writing novels

Shyam said...

Nice post da!