Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Goodbye google reader!!

This was the thought which flashed through my mind when I saw the new interface:
Bastards!! They killed Kenny.
Dear Google, What have you done to the google reader interface? Leave it aside. Where are the list of friends who shared their feeds with me? I don't want to build it again. There is a difference between giving a new look and removing a major functionality that I had been banking on since the product was launched.
If you want everything the Plus way, then why do you need to offer a google reader service. I don't see a point. Where the hell are the list of my friends who were sharing interesting articles on google reader? (painstakingly built over years) Why cannot we have a +1 in the interface through which I can share in google plus also (if desired) and people can wade through the slugfest of personal rants, status updates and nice articles. It is better to kiss good bye to this service in the present modern shape.

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